For all the metaphysics fans out there, here is a great new title by an Adelaide author,
'Whispers From The Angels' by Heather Colquist.

This book is a collection of messages that have been given to me through channeling from my spirit guides. I hope the words will inspire you just as they have done for me and that you will find in them something special. Learn to allow yourselves to be soul-in-touch so that you too can be completely free in spirit. Check the index, or open to any chapter, and find your message for the day.
Following is a direct message given to me by the angels for all my readers:
It is we of the angel world who are making our presence felt in order to connect with each and every one of you! Please realize that it is with a simple click of the fingers that you are able to connect with us. Do not be afraid to ask for our help whenever the need is there for we are the angels that hover all around waiting to be of service to you. Our only request is that you will be clear in regards to the many things you ask of us, for we take great pleasure in seeing you learn.
Understand that we set no boundaries when asked to help you towards your own soul growth! We do hear the questions that you have in regards to your own learning. Be aware that we will be there to guide you through those steps.
Do not be afraid of the messages that are being sent to you. Listen and have the knowledge that these messages will often be given with a repetitive tone to them for it is we of the angel world trying to connect with you.
We see that changes are all around and although you will struggle from time to time with some of the important decisions, know that we do guide you always toward your own soul growth and the right decisions for you.
Please learn to step over those hesitations that hold you back in life and put your trust in us, for the changes that are to come will be many.
With love and light
We send this message to you
Do not be afraid.