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Saturday, April 9, 2011

Book Review - Emerald Atlas - John Stephens

They were taken from their beds one frozen night, when the world was covered in snow. The silhouette of a tall, thin man has haunted Kate ever since.

Ten years on, Kate, Michael and Emma have grown up in a string of miserable orphanages, and all memories of their parents have faded to a blur. Arriving at Cambridge Falls, where the rolling fog distorts their sense of time and the town is eerily silent, the children quickly realise there is something different about this place – and Kate feels sure she has seen the dark, crooked house before.

Exploring the house, they discover an old, empty leather book. The moment they touch it, an ancient magical prophecy is set irrevocably in motion, and the children are thrown into a dangerous alternate reality of dark enchantments, terrifying monsters, noble dwarves and entire cities buried beneath the earth. Only they can prevent the terrible event that will ruin Cambridge Falls – and stop the world from falling into complete devastation.
Emerald Atlas was well written and a good adventure. It is definatley a teenage novel but it does have some adult phrases. I think the author was trying to make a teen book adult friendly.
The characters are well defined and you really feel for them as they are thrown into situations that are beyond their control.
The plot does seem a little contrived in places but it moves the story along so it doesn't make you want to put the book down. As the book progresses it gets better and the text flows well.
I like how the author makes the characters face things and it helps them grow as a person- it is important to have ever growing characters that make you see things from their point of view. The plotline is a great story! It has aspects of World of Warcraft, Dragonlance, Lord of the Rings, Ranger's Apprentice. 
All in all a good book and I will be buying the second book.

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