My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I love Tamora Pierce's writing! Ever since I picked up Alanna: The First Adventure when I was 12, she has had me hooked. My favourite world of hers is Tortall and the characters that inhabit this world. I have just finished reading Mastiff, book three (yes I said that right, 3 not 4) in the Beka Cooper series. It was brilliant! Made me tear up and I didn't see coming an event at the end.
You get to see in this book how the end of female knighthood came about also some big issues with the running of the country. Well written and it had me completely absorbed in the world. You don't get bored with this series like you can do with other longstanding series.
Tamora seems to write from her heart and you can tell she loves these characters. I can't wait to see what new adventures she creates. In fact i really want to start the series over again with Alanna and go from there.
Highly recommened!!!
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Totally agree! Tamora Pierce is my favourite author of all time, and I've loved the Beka Cooper series! :D