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Monday, November 21, 2011

Book Review - Pandora English #2 Spider Goddess - Tara Moss

Spider Goddess – Tara Moss

We were lucky and our rep gave us a review copy of Spider Goddess, book 2 in the Pandora English series. I really enjoyed the first book and couldn’t wait to read the second.  The book picks up basically just after the end of book 1. Pandora is still working for Pandora Magazine and she is still getting picked on by the trio of vampire models. The story starts off with Pandora finding a big spider, yes a big spider and she doesn’t kill it. She puts it into a cup and takes it home. This starts off a chain of events that involve the Spider Goddess.
We find out a lot more in this book about Pandora and her family. Tara Moss weaves all the plot elements together with finesse and love. The story is well paced and you don’t want to put the book down. I think if you enjoyed the first one, you will love the second as the story only gets better. IF I had to gripe about this book, it would be that I felt it didn’t have as much action in it as the first book, but Tara makes up for that with fantastic storytelling.
Definatly a great book for paranormal/YA fans for Christmas!

Spider Goddess is out 22/11/11


  1. thanks for the review tarran !! from steven.

  2. No problems Steven. Thank you for reading it!


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