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Thursday, December 20, 2012
Friday, December 7, 2012
Book Review - Heir of Novron - Michael J. Sullivan

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I am half way through and am marking this as a five star book!! I have loved this series from the very first book!! You have everything, thieves, murder, conspiricy, love, blood, magic... It all comes together with a seamless plot that keeps you on your toes. I read the first two then went on marternity leave. It wasn't until 7 months later that I could start reading book three - The book picked up right where I left off and I didn't need to re read the previous books.
One of my favourites is Royce, he has such character to him. You don't know if he will laugh or kill you. Or proberly do both if you piss him off. All the players in these books are well thought out and the develop over the time of the series.
All in all a fantastic series that I highyly recommend! It is a bit like a cross between Jim Butchers Codex Alera series and Fiona McIntosh's Quickening series.
Definatly check it out you fantasty lovers!!
View all my reviews
Thursday, December 6, 2012
It's Christmas Time Again!!
It is that time of year again. How did Christmas time come around so soon? The decorations are out, the trees are going up and are you getting excited?? I know we are :D This year there are some fantastic books out for Christmas.
We have the last Bryce Courtenay book - Jack of Diamonds
The new Janet Evanovich - Notorious Nineteen
The new Fiona McIntosh - Scriviner's Tale
The new Tara Moss - Skeleton Key
And many more awesome titles..
Come in and have a look around, talk to our friendly staff about your favourite books and remember to help support your local bookshop :D
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Dr Karl Kruszelnicki Books Signing
Yes my friends, tomorrow is the day. The day that Dr Karl Kruszelnicki will be instore signing copies of his book '50 Shades of Grey Matter' here at Collins Booksellers, Castle Plaza Shopping Centre.
It should be a great day. SO come down to Collins Booksellers Edwardstown tomorrow at 1pm to get your books signed!!!
Seeya there :D
Thursday, November 8, 2012
10 Questions
We asked Vicki, a 10 - soon to be 11 year old, ten questions about books and reading. It was very interesting to read her responses.
- What draws you to read?
Picturing the story in my mind.
- Do the covers help you decide on a book?
Not really. I like to read the blurb on the back.
- What are your friends reading at the moment?
One friend is reading 'The Hunger Games' Anabel (another friend) is reading a book by Roald Dahl.
- Who is your favourite book character and why?
Capricorn from Inkheart. Evil makes the story interesting.
- When did you discover books?
Reception. I could read a little by the time I got to school.
- What is your favourite book?
- Are there any books you would like to see turned into movies?
More in the Series of Unfortunate Events and more by Roald Dahl
- What three books would you take away with you?
'The Twits' 'Frog Princess' ' The Faraway Fairies'.
- Does your family like to read?
Both Mum and Dad love to read!
- Do you think reading will influence your choice of career when you're older?
No. I want to be a ballerina then an architect when I'm older.
If you would like to be apart of our 10 Questions then just come into the store or send us an email on A big round of applause for Vicki!
Friday, November 2, 2012
Bookshop of Events
This month is a jam packed action time for us! Not only is Christmas fast approching, but we have a few author events in tow.
Tony Park, author of DARK HEART is at the Marion Cultural Centre on Thursday 8th November from 7.30 -8.30.
Chris Masters, author of JONESTOWN and UNCOMMON SOLDIER BRAVE COMPASSIONATE AND TOUGH: THE MAKING OF AUSTRALIAS MODERN DIGGERS on 22 November at the Marion Cultural Centre 7.30pm -8.30pm.
Then Dr Karl Kruszelnicki will be signing copies of his new book 50 SHADES OF GREY MATTER here at Collins Booksellers Edwardstown, Castle Plaza Shopping Centre at 1.00pm Friday 30th November.
These are fantastic events and we hope to see you there for them!!
Friday, October 26, 2012
Winner of Blog Giveaway!!!
You have won a copy of Cookiepedia by Stacy Adimando!! Please email us your address and we will pop your prize into the post on Monday.
Thank you for entering!
Friday, October 12, 2012
Blog Giveaway - Cookiepedia by Stacy Adimando
Today we have a giveaway of Cookiepedia by Stacy Adimando published by Random House Australia. All you have to do is tell us what your favourite biscuit/cookie is. Winner will be drawn on 26th Oct at 10am Only open to Australian residents.
cook•ie: a small flat, baked cake which is either crisp or soft but firm
(often with chocolate chips, candies, or nuts mixed in); insanely
If you miss the days when snacks were simple and handmade, you’ll love this homespun encyclopedia of cookies. Full of hand-drawn illustrations and gorgeous photographs, The Cookiepedia features 50 classic recipes for everything from Amaretti and Animal Cookies to Gingersnaps, Rugelach, Snickerdoodles, and dozens of other favorites—plus hundreds of ideas for adapting recipes and making them your own.
If you miss the days when snacks were simple and handmade, you’ll love this homespun encyclopedia of cookies. Full of hand-drawn illustrations and gorgeous photographs, The Cookiepedia features 50 classic recipes for everything from Amaretti and Animal Cookies to Gingersnaps, Rugelach, Snickerdoodles, and dozens of other favorites—plus hundreds of ideas for adapting recipes and making them your own.
To whet your appertite here is a sample recipe from the book:
Nobody you know will not come by when you say you’re baking homemade mint thins. (If they don’t so much as ask, consider defriending them immediately.) The question is: Do you want to share? The baking and dunking takes no time (especially if you’re tasting as you go), but these bite-size treats do hold up best (and taste yummiest) once the mint chocolate has had ample time to set. If you’re protective of your stash, store them in the freezer. They’re best with a chill anyway.
Preheat oven to 350°F
Makes: 3 1/2 dozen cookies
1 cup unsalted butter, at room temperature
1 cup powdered sugar
1 egg
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
12 ounces semisweet chocolate
2/3 cup cocoa powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup unsalted butter
teaspoon peppermint flavor
1. Cream the butter until it’s light and fluffy.
add the powdered sugar and continue mixing, stopping to scrape the sides of the bowl as needed. Mix in the egg and vanilla extract. Sift together the flour, cocoa powder, and salt. Add the flour mixture by halves, beating to incorporate after each addition.
2. Turn out the dough onto a clean surface and form it into a disk with your hands. Split the disk in half and place them in the fridge to firm up for 1 hour. Tip: If you’re short on time, do 25 minutes in the freezer instead.
3. Working on a floured surface (you’ll need a decent amount, since the dough is sticky), roll out the dough to O/8-inch thick. Shape the cookies using a 1.-inch round cutter and place them on a parchment-paper-lined baking sheet. Bake for 10 to 12 minutes, then let cool completely.
4. Break up the chocolate into a bowl and set it over a small pot of simmering water (make sure the bowl doesn’t touch the water). Add the butter and the peppermint flavor and stir the mixture steadily until it’s fully melted and looks glossy and smooth. Remove the bowl and let the chocolate cool slightly.
5. One by one, drop the cookies in the chocolate, then scoop them out with a fork to let the excess drip off. (Tap the cookies against the side of the bowl to help drain the extra chocolate.) Move them carefully to a wire rack or parchment-paperlined baking sheet. When they’re all coated, move the sheet to the refrigerator or freezer to set.
Mint-Thin-Stuffed Cookies
Prepare a batch of the mint thins and store them in the freezer. Then prepare a batch of the chocolate chip dough on page 43. When both are chilled, sandwich the mint cookie between 1 tablespoon each of the chocolate chip dough, then press the dough around the mint thin to cover it completely. Bake according to the chocolate chip directions.
Nobody you know will not come by when you say you’re baking homemade mint thins. (If they don’t so much as ask, consider defriending them immediately.) The question is: Do you want to share? The baking and dunking takes no time (especially if you’re tasting as you go), but these bite-size treats do hold up best (and taste yummiest) once the mint chocolate has had ample time to set. If you’re protective of your stash, store them in the freezer. They’re best with a chill anyway.
Preheat oven to 350°F
Makes: 3 1/2 dozen cookies
1 cup unsalted butter, at room temperature
1 cup powdered sugar
1 egg
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
12 ounces semisweet chocolate
2/3 cup cocoa powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup unsalted butter
teaspoon peppermint flavor
1. Cream the butter until it’s light and fluffy.
add the powdered sugar and continue mixing, stopping to scrape the sides of the bowl as needed. Mix in the egg and vanilla extract. Sift together the flour, cocoa powder, and salt. Add the flour mixture by halves, beating to incorporate after each addition.
2. Turn out the dough onto a clean surface and form it into a disk with your hands. Split the disk in half and place them in the fridge to firm up for 1 hour. Tip: If you’re short on time, do 25 minutes in the freezer instead.
3. Working on a floured surface (you’ll need a decent amount, since the dough is sticky), roll out the dough to O/8-inch thick. Shape the cookies using a 1.-inch round cutter and place them on a parchment-paper-lined baking sheet. Bake for 10 to 12 minutes, then let cool completely.
4. Break up the chocolate into a bowl and set it over a small pot of simmering water (make sure the bowl doesn’t touch the water). Add the butter and the peppermint flavor and stir the mixture steadily until it’s fully melted and looks glossy and smooth. Remove the bowl and let the chocolate cool slightly.
5. One by one, drop the cookies in the chocolate, then scoop them out with a fork to let the excess drip off. (Tap the cookies against the side of the bowl to help drain the extra chocolate.) Move them carefully to a wire rack or parchment-paperlined baking sheet. When they’re all coated, move the sheet to the refrigerator or freezer to set.
Mint-Thin-Stuffed Cookies
Prepare a batch of the mint thins and store them in the freezer. Then prepare a batch of the chocolate chip dough on page 43. When both are chilled, sandwich the mint cookie between 1 tablespoon each of the chocolate chip dough, then press the dough around the mint thin to cover it completely. Bake according to the chocolate chip directions.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
New Releases
The closer it gets to Christmas, the better the books that are coming out. All the major authors have a book coming out this year. What are you looking forward to reading?

Not only are there fantastic fiction titles but we also have some great biographies on the shelf too. Do you want to read about Black Caviar? Donald Bradman's War? The Man Who Invented Vegemite (such a godlike substance yum)
The kiddies aren't excluded, keep them entertained with the new Captain Underpants book - Terrifying Return of Tippy Tinkletrousers, Artemis Fowl #8 The Last Guardian, The Silver Brumby is making a comeback and lastly Robert Muchamore's Guardian Angel.
All these great titles make for brilliant reading!
Now what do you want to read?
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Janeen Brian Author Event
We will be hosting Janeen Brian for a signing on Friday 28th September at 11 am. Janeen is the author of over 80 children's books. Her latest one is 'Eddie Pipper'
Eddie Pipper loves his penguin. He is not a real penguin. He is not allowed one of those.
Eddie has to make do with his special paper-maiche penguin. But what do the other kids
think of his penguin when he brings him to school for show and tell?
Come and meet Janeen and have a chat with her about your childs favourite books!
Janeen Brian Facebook Signup
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Three fantasy books that I love - Tarran Jones
Here are a few of my favourite books:
This book deepened my love for world myths. Not only does it
have the Arthurian Traditions in it, the author combines Nordic and Gaelic
myths as well. A well written series, that makes me remember scenes from it
even though it has been years since I’ve read it.
Summer Tree is the
first novel of Guy Gavriel Kay’s critically acclaimed fantasy trilogy,
The Fionavar Tapestry. Five university students embark on a journey of
self-discovery when they enter a realm of wizards and warriors, gods and
mythical creatures--and good and evil…
It all began with a lecture that
introduced five university students to a man who would change their lives, a
wizard who would take them from Earth to the heart of the first of all
worlds--Fionavar. And take them Loren Silvercloak did, for his need--the need
of Fionavar and all the worlds--was great indeed.
And in a marvelous land of men
and dwarves, of wizards and gods, five young people discovered who they were
truly meant to be. For they are a long-awaited part of the pattern known as the
Fionavar Tapestry, and only if they accepted their destiny would the armies of
the Light stand any chance of surviving the wrath the Unraveller and his
minions of darkness intend to unleash upon the world…
I really
enjoyed Jennifer Fallon’s writing style in this one. The story flowed and I
loved the characters. The premise of the Tide Star is a fantastic one and works
well. This is a series you should read if you love High Fantasy.
When a routine hanging goes wrong and a murderer somehow survives the
noose, the man announces he is an immortal. And not just any immortal, but
Cayal, the Immortal Prince, hero of legend, thought to be only a fictional
character. To most he is a figure out of the Tide Lord Tarot, the only
record left on Amyrantha of the mythical beings whom fable tells created the
race of half-human, half-animal Crasii, a race of slaves.
Arkady Desean is an expert on the legends of the Tide Lords so at the
request of the King's Spymaster, she is sent to interrogate this would-be
immortal, hoping to prove he is a spy, or at the very least, a madman. Though
she is set the task of proving Cayal a liar, Arkady finds herself believing
him, against her own good sense. And as she begins to truly believe in the Tide
Lords, her own web of lies begins to unravel...
I believe that I have re read
this series around 20 times. I read it at least once a year I love it so much.
A fantastic world the author has drawn for us to explore. Very believable
characters and plots. This book has stayed with me for years and my copy of it
is pretty worn. Highly recommended!
"From now on I'm Alan of Trebond, the younger
twin. I'll be a knight."
And so young Alanna of Trebond
begins the journey to knighthood. Though a girl, Alanna has always craved the
adventure and daring allowed only for boys; her twin brother, Thom, yearns to
learn the art of magic. So one day they decide to switch places: Disguised as a
girl, Thom heads for the convent to learn magic; Alanna, pretending to be a
boy, is on her way to the castle of King Roald to begin her training as a page.
But the road to knighthood is not
an easy one. As Alanna masters the skills necessary for battle, she must also
learn to control her heart and to discern her enemies from her allies.
Filled with swords and sorcery,
adventure and intrigue, good and evil, Alanna's first adventure begins -- one
that will leard to the fulfillment of her dreams and the magical destiny that
will make her a legend in her land.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Dr Karl Kruszelnicki Author Event!
Friday November 30th at 1pm - Collins Booksellers Edwardstown, Castle Plaza Shopping Centre
Dr Karl Facebook Sign Up
Australia’s favourite scientist, Dr Karl Kruszelnicki is set to appear in-store at Collins Booksellers Edwardstown, Castle Plaza Shopping Centre on Friday November 30th at 1pm. Dr Karl will be signing copies of his new book ’50 Shades of Grey Matter’ as well as answering questions such as: Why does walking into a room make you forget? Why does giving up smoking make you fatter and how can milk build muscle?
A brilliant Christmas gift idea, who wouldn't love a signed copy of '50 Shades of Grey Matter'
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Duncan Lay Book Signing - Bridge of Swords
We are having Duncan Lay, author of the Dragon Sword Histories instore on Friday at 10:30am for a signing. His new book 'Bridge of Swords' has just been released and it looks like it's going to be a fantastic read.
Sendatsu is a hunted
man. His people, even his own father, want him dead. Cast out of his
home, he finds himself in a strange new land, desperate to find a way to
return to his children.
Alone in the land of Vales, Sendatsu is forced to rely on his talents as a fighter to survive. His skills are welcomes by two fugitives - Huw and Rhiannon - who are hurrying to alert the peaceful people of Vales to an impending invasion. When no one will believe them, Sendatsu becomes the wildcard in a fight for freedom.
Three centuries of lies and deceit are about to burst into bloody life around Sendatsu - when the last thing he wants is to be a hero.
Alone in the land of Vales, Sendatsu is forced to rely on his talents as a fighter to survive. His skills are welcomes by two fugitives - Huw and Rhiannon - who are hurrying to alert the peaceful people of Vales to an impending invasion. When no one will believe them, Sendatsu becomes the wildcard in a fight for freedom.
Three centuries of lies and deceit are about to burst into bloody life around Sendatsu - when the last thing he wants is to be a hero.
Come in and say g'day and pick up a copy! If you are unable to come in that day, just let us know and we can save a copy for you and get it signed.
Giveaway - Throne of Glass by Sarah J Maas
We have one copy of Throne of Glass by Sarah J Maas to giveaway. All you need to do to enter is to comment on the blog about why you like to read fantasy. The winner will be drawn on Wednesday 5th of September at 5pm AEST. Only open to Australian residents sorry.
Meet Celaena Sardothien.
Beautiful. Deadly. Destined for greatness.
In the dark, filthy salt mines of Endovier, an eighteen-year-old girl is serving a life sentence. She is a trained assassin, the best of her kind, but she made a fatal mistake: she got caught.
Young Captain Westfall offers her a deal: her freedom in return for one huge sacrifice. Celaena must represent the prince in a to-the-death tournament—fighting the most gifted thieves and assassins in the land. Live or die, Celaena will be free. Win or lose, she is about to discover her true destiny. But will her assassin’s heart be melted?
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Book Review - Throne of Glass #1 Throne of Glass - Sarah J Maas

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This was a really great read. The storyline flowed well and made you want to continue reading. The characters were interesting and endearing. I liked how the author fed you tibits along the way without giving too much away. I still don't know if my suspsion is correct reguarding the main characters ancestory. I only started this book a day agao and I couldn't put it down. I can't wait for the next book in the series. Well done Sarah J Maas!
View all my reviews
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Book Review - Sons of the Zodiac #3 Warrior Betrayed - Addison Fox

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This is the first fiction book I have mangaed to read in 5 months of maternity leave. It is book 3 in a series but I was desperate to read something so I picked it out of the shlef. I haven't read the first two books yet but after reading this one i know I am going to hunt them down.There are hardly any spoilers and I don't know what happened to the other characters. The writing style was clear and fast paced. The storyline was clever and I liked how the author didn't used all the major well known players of the Greek Panthenon of Gods/Goddesses. The use of the Zodiac was well done and I really enjoed this book. Definatly worth a read!
View all my reviews
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Duncan Lay - Bridge of Swords - Background, Heroes and Villians Part 2
Here is the second part of Duncan's tale :D
Lastly - The Villians!
He knows the other lands have slid backwards into the mud
since Dokuzen locked itself away from the world 300 years ago. His dream is to
see a new golden age – and he will make it happen with fire and sword. Only
united can the countries pool their knowledge and rise once more.
Brutal conquest and slavery are but the by-products of
his glorious vision for the world.
His armies are the biggest, the best-trained and the
best-armed and have never known defeat. Every country he has invaded have fallen
to them.
His capital, Cridianton, is now a place of learning and
culture, grace and art – albeit supported on the back of slavery. To show his
people the glorious future that awaits them and to take their minds off the
high taxes that will cost, he has the finest performers from across the country
amuse and amaze in his court.
But while his armies rampage through the south, to his
north are two growing problems.
He wants the Velsh mines and farms but not the expense of
invasion, so plans to send bands of warriors north to plunder and terrorise the
Velsh until they beg to come under his protection.
And he also has his eyes on Dokuzen and the treasures
that await behind a magical barrier, for his health is slowly failing after 20
years on the throne and not even bedding the most beautiful young women from
across the country can restore his youth …
Ruler of the Tadayoshi clan, he is determined to see his
clan rise to control not just Dokuzen but the whole world. His son Sendatsu
unwittingly provided him with proof that the barrier around Dokuzen was not put
up to keep the barbarians out – but to protect them from the clans. With this
knowledge allied to the power of Dokuzen, he knows he can fashion an empire.
Jaken tried to control Sendatsu but has now been forced
to send warriors out into Vales to try and bring his errant son back, so he can
control how and when revolution comes to Dokuzen. He also has a spy within the
Magic-weaver ranks and plots to use them to overthrow Dokuzen’s ruler, Daichi, then
take control himself.
Centuries ago, for reasons lost in the mists of time, the
Magic-weavers rebelled against the rulers of Dokuzen but were broken and thrown
outside society.
As guardians of the magical barrier that protects
Dokuzen, they are vital to society but they exist on the outskirts, despised by
the nobles and feared by the commoners, denied the respect and honour they
Sumiko’s life is devoted to restoring the Magic-weavers
to power and ruling Dokuzen. To her, it does not matter which clan a person is
from, only that they have magical powers. She knows the barrier around Dokuzen
is fading, as the magic fades within Dokuzen and soon the clans will have to
rejoin the world. Her plan is for it to happen under her control – and then for
her control to spread across the other lands.
On August 24 at 10:30 am we will be having Duncan instore signing copies of his new book. If you have been tantalised (like I have) by these segments, then pop into the store and grab a copy for Duncan to sign for you. IF you can't make it, just let us know on
(08) 8277-8857 and we can organise something for you!
Duncan Lay - Bridge of Swords -Background, Heroes and Villians! Part 1
Duncan Lay, author of the Dragon Sword Histories has released a new book!! It is called Empire of Bones #1 Bridge of Swords and it looks to be a great read. We asked Duncan for some background info on the new series and this is what he has to say.
of Bones is set in the same world as The Dragon Sword Histories,
although 300 years later and on the other side of the world.
There are no common characters and there is no need to have read the first series to begin this one.
is one, small connection in that an event at the end of The Radiant
Child had an unexpected effect on the other side of the world and began
the chain of events that leads to Bridge Of Swords.
But you don’t have to have any prior knowledge of the world, nor its history and all will be made clear as Empire Of Bones moves to its conclusion.
The three lands Empire Of Bones is principally set in are very different.
we have Dokuzen. This is a land with magic, healing, advanced building
techniques and a high standard of living. Their lifestyle has hints of
the Roman era, with similar technology, as well as a strong flavour of
Shogun-era Japan, with concepts of honour and an emphasis on your clan
and family determining your status in society. They worship this world’s
God, Aroaril, but religion is not an integral part of their lives. The people’s names, as well as the place names, reflect the Japanese influence.
we meet Vales. This is much more a rougher, cruder community, much less
formally structured, without a central ruler or anything more than a
loose connection between its towns and villages. Rather than building in stone, they use wood and thatch. Principally a land of farmers, they are also miners and traders but have few, if any warriors, despite their personal bravery. Perhaps
closest to Britain following the Roman withdrawal, before the Saxon
invasion changed the language and the face, when the old British tribes
ruled, although without their unique Celtic culture. The people’s names, as well as some of the place names, reflect the Celtic influence.
Finally there is Forland. More advanced than Vales but without the higher knowledge and technology of Dokuzen, they are able to build
with stone. Ruled by a King, they have a standing army and a warrior
tradition. Conquerors and aggressors, they have taken many of the
southern countries by force and thirst for more. Perhaps comparable to Saxon Britain, where it was torn between a warrior code and something higher. Their names, as well as some of the place names, reflect the Saxon era.
note about the place names in Vales and Forland (and indeed in all the
other countries in the surrounding lands). There is a mystery, central
to the story, around these names and why some carry certain meanings and
others seem normal. As the main characters and readers will discover …
The Heroes:
Sendatsu is a warrior on the run, being hunted by his own
people, trying frantically to get back to his children and unravel a
300-year-old mystery about magic and why his people sealed themselves off from
the rest of the world.
The son of a Clan Leader, his name means Guide or Pioneer
in the old tongue of his people, the language nobody speaks any more. He has
lived a life of privilege and luxury, always surrounded by servants and those
eager to do his bidding.
Yet it has not been easy. His father, Lord Jaken, is
determined to take control of the Council, to rule not one clan but the whole
of Dokuzen. Sendatsu had to be the best at everything, prove the superiority of
Clan Tadayoshi – or else. And he has known heartache. As the son of a Clan Leader,
he was not allowed to marry his childhood love, Asami. Instead he was forced to
marry the daughter of another Clan Leader, to unite two clans and improve their
political standing. Meanwhile Asami also had to marry – Sendatsu’s best friend,
His wife, Kayiko, died in childbirth and he stepped aside
from the life of political manoeuvring and backstabbing his father saw for him
to instead raise his children. This act of rebellion was the first and only way
he had defied his father.
But when a chance discovery reveals clues to a
300-year-old mystery and threatens to turn Dokuzen on its head, Sendatsu is the
one at the heart of it.
Forced to go on the run, hunted by his own people, he
finds himself in Vales, a rough, backward land that nevertheless may hold all
the answers in the ruins dotted across his hills and valleys and in the hearts
of its people. If he can find the answers, he can go home.
But Vales is not without its own problems, while to the
south, the cruel King Ward of Forland looks to add it to the long list of his
Sendatsu stumbles across a curious pair, a young Velsh
bard called Huw and a young Forlish dancer called Rhiannon, both on the run
from Ward.
He sees them as the source of answers and the way home.
They see him as the hero they need. But are both wrong?
In a land where all must work hard to live, Huw dares to
dream. While his people love to pass the long winter nights with tales, songs
and riddles, Huw is the first of them to want to make that his life. While his
village sneers and laughs at him, he travels south to Forland, to earn enough
gold to prove them wrong.
In this arrogant country, made rich from its conquests
and packed with slaves from conquered lands, he wins both gold and fame,
winning the coveted right to perform at the King’s court.
To get there he has had to deny his Velsh heritage,
pretend he is also Forlish, forget all his father taught him about honour and
principles – but he sees that as a small price to pay.
But then two things rock his complacent little world.
First he meets Rhiannon, a beautiful Forlish dancer also performing for the
King and falls head over heels for her. Then he learns King Ward plans to
terrorise and terrify the Velsh until they beg to become part of Forland.
Torn between staying and somehow winning the heart of the
untouchable Rhiannon and warning his people, the decision is taken out of his
hands when he overhears King Ward and Rhiannon’s father discussing how to make
her the King’s mistress.
Huw tricks Rhiannon and flees north to Vales, hoping to
save his people and win the girl, all in one.
But saving a peaceful land of farmers and miners from a
brutal army of conquest is not an easy task.
Then Huw and Rhiannon meet Sendatsu, from fabled Dokuzen.
Not realising he is a hunted fugitive, they see him as the saviour of Vales.
Although Rhiannon, who has been raised on tales of beautiful Dokuzen and longs
to dance there, sees Sendatsu as something more …
Huw faces many choices, none of them easy, and must learn
there is always a price to be paid for your actions …
Her mother died giving birth to her and she has been
raised by her father Hector, once a noted singer in the court of King Ward,
until illness robbed him of his voice and his fame. He has trained her from birth
to astound the court and astonish the King with her singing and dancing.
Her life has been devoted to the one goal, without
friends or family, until she meets a young bard she thinks is called Hugh of
Browns Brook. But her new friend turns her life upside down when he tells her
he is really Huw from Vales and she has to run away with him or join her father
as a victim of King Ward.
Torn between grief at the loss of her beloved father and
a determination to avenge his death and protect the Velsh, she only sees Huw as
a friend. But she sees Sendatsu as a vision, something out of the songs she has
spent her life singing.
Meanwhile, she is learning to stretch her wings, to make
decisions for herself and step outside the gilded cage her father crafted for
What she doesn’t know is that her father Hector is very
much alive and hunting for her and Huw, determined to drag them both to King
Ward and face his vengeance at being cheated of his prize.
What none of them know is that the answers to the 300-year-old
mystery lie within Rhiannon. She has a hidden power that will turn every single
land upside down and utterly destroy everything the people think they know
about their history.
She is the future … if she can unlock what is within her.
While Sendatsu searches for answers and a way back to his
children, his two childhood friends struggle to find a way to return him.
Asami is the most talented Magic-weaver Dokuzen has seen
in a generation. Once, all the people could use magic but the power has been
dwindling within them. There are few capable of more than a trick or two.
Devastated by Sendatsu’s refusal to defy his father and
run away with her, forced to see him marry for politics and not love, she has
thrown herself into her magic.
She agreed to marry Gaibun but it was not a union of love
and while they share a large home, they do not share a bed. She consoles
herself with dreams of a different Dokuzen, where who your clan and parents
were do not matter as much as your talents. The head of the Magic-weavers,
Sumiko, tells her that if she were to rule Dokuzen, things would be very
different – and this is music to Asami’s ears, although also treason,
punishable by death.
Gaibun’s father Retsu should have been Clan Leader, until
tricked and outwitted by Lord Jaken – Sendatsu’s father. And yet the two boys became friends. Gaibun
is desperately in love with Asami but has had to live with the knowledge she
sees him as but a friend and loves Sendatsu.
When their marriage turned his dream into a nightmare he
consoled himself with mistresses and devoted himself to the Border Patrol,
dedicated to keeping everyone else out of Dokuzen. Now working for Lord Jaken,
he has been promised much, not least the leadership of their clan when and if Lord
Jaken can take control of Dokuzen.
Sendatsu’s unwitting discovery of a revelation that could
destroy the very foundations of Dokuzen sets both Sumiko and Jaken’s plans to
rule into motion. Asami and Gaibun must somehow help return their friend and
avoid being drawn deeper and deeper into plots and conspiracies in the struggle
to rule Dokuzen.
Monday, July 30, 2012
Amended National Bookshop Day Roster
Due to another brilliant author - DM Cornish attending, here is the updated roster for National Bookshop Day at our store!
Book Review - Savvy Ingredients for Success - Racheal Bermingham

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This is the first book I've managed to just about finish in the four months of maternity leave and it is brilliant. Anyone who is interested in marketing or general tips on how to manage their time better should read this. Rachael has a pleasent way of writing that is easy to read. She explains things without being dry or over complicated. I have learned a lot and think it is an awesome non fiction tool for businesses.
View all my reviews
Monday, July 23, 2012
National Bookshop Day - 11 August 2012
If you haven't heard that National Bookshop Day is coming up then here is your chance to support your local bookstore! At Collins Booksellers Edwardstown we are celebrating with a few local authors. Here is the programme we have set up!!
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Isobelle Carmody - Greylands Site
The fabulous micro-site for the launch of Isobelle Carmody's Greylands as an e-edition--self-destructing in a month's time, the site features info about the book, competitions, and 'The Great E-Book Debate' which features a different guest columnist every day. Yesterday's was Alex Adsett with a great overview piece. Her second guest in the eVolution forum is author Sophie Masson, recently appointed author rep to the newly formed Book Industry Collaboration Council, set up to meet the challenges posed to the book industry by the Evolution.
Each day over the month there will be a different post. Guests range from successful and highly awarded authors, publishers from large and small presses, editors, actors, poets, students, teachers, librarians, agents.
Read the posts and comment for the chance to win a kindle as well as audio and print books.
Details at
Monday, March 5, 2012
Book Review - Lavender Keeper - Fiona McIntosh

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
When this book comes out I highly suggest you read it. It is well written, brilliant characters and gives a great sense of history without being boring.
I got an ARC of Lavender Keeper and I throughly enjoyed reading it. A ripping yarn that takes you back into war years and espionage. Lisette and Luc are very interesting characters that grow throughout the story (as one would hope they would) The human spirit is bright throughout the book and shows just how much you can change and adapt to circumstance. Not just a wartime book, it is basically a story of redemption and love.
A very good read!
Due 22/03/2012
View all my reviews
Monday, February 6, 2012
Book Review - Amelia Peabody # 12 He Shall Thunder in the Sky - Elizabeth Peters

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Elizabeth Peters just keeps getting better and better. In this book we have the Emersons at the start of WW1 and it is in this book that you find out some home truths about the family as well as trying to stop the Germans from invading Egypt.
Fantastic story and we get to finally witness a romantic engagement that has been hinted at throughout the series.
It is hard to give more information without putting spoilers into the review this late into the series, but I hope this entices you to keep reading or if you haven't started the series - then START now!
Brilliant and highly recommended!!
View all my reviews
Friday, February 3, 2012
Book Review - Out of Sight, Out of Time - Ally Carter

We received an ARC of Out of Sight, Out of Time and I devoured this book!! I finished it the night I got it.This series is a fantastic one! Each book I can't put down till I had finished it.
The story picks up a few months after the last book and Cammie has lost her memories. We don't know what she has done or where she has been for the summer. We follow Cammie as she trys to come to terms with the fact she has lost her memory and has alienated her friends by leaving. Ally Carter has done a great job in tying up some loose ends while still leaving us hanging for what comes next.
A very enjoyable read, but now the only problem is waiting for the next book!!!
A great series for 14+ teens
Out of Sight, Out of Time is due for release in Australia on the 27th March 2012
View all my reviews
Book Review - Triad of Being #3 Light - Field - Traci Harding
The Light-field by Traci Harding
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Once again I am blown away by one of Traci's books. I throughly enjoyed Light-Field. The story picks up basically straight after the 2nd book - Universe Parallel. There is more information revealed with the characters and more story lines completed AND started!
Yes, my friends - this is not the last book in the series!
It feels like Traci is going for the Feist type of series where the story interlocks with the previous books/series. To understand what I mean, I believe that you should read them in this order to get a real grip on the series:
Ancient Future
Celestial Triad
Then - Triad of Being
I get excited everytime a new book of Traci's come out and I really want to see how Traci brings together the end of this series. I think it is going to be fantastic!!! If you haven't read Traci Harding - then go out today and pick up a copy of Ancient Future!! You won't regret it.
View all my reviews
Friday, January 27, 2012
Author Interview - Tim Flannery
Tim Flannery is one of Australia’s leading thinkers and writers. An
internationally acclaimed scientist, explorer and conservationist, he
has published more than 130 peer-reviewed scientific papers. His books
include the landmark works The Future Eaters and The Weather Makers. He was kind enough to let us interview him and ask him some questions about his books and work.
What drew you to study and love ecological history and evolution?
I grew up on the outskirts of Melbourne, and when I was young wildlife was abundant. I hated the way it disappeared as the suburb grew. And I was very fortunate to live near a fossil deposit. It was on the edge of Port Phillip Bay, and by diving you could find the remains of whales, sharks and penguins that had swum in an ancestral bay 7 million years ago. That really turned me on to evolution.
How do you think we can change as a species to reduce our carbon footprint?
am confident that we can reduce our carbon footprint, and do so
quickly. Australia's clean energy legislation gives the nation the means
to honour its pledge of reducing its emissions by 5% by 2020. This
doesn't sound like a lot, but it will be the first time in history that
emissions have been intentionally reduced. Greater reductions will
What is the world’s most functioning ecosystem?
is a tricky question. I'd guess the Antarctic, but even there fishing
is damaging its seas. And they are extremely fragile.
In the ‘Weather Makers’ you talk about climate change, can you give a brief rundown of what makes climate change happen?
Basically, human pollution in the form of greenhouse gases is trapping heat close to the surface of the Earth.
What do you enjoy the most when you immerse yourself in a so called ‘primitive’ culture?
love seeing the world through somebody else's eyes, so when someone in a
village makes an observation about the world that makes me think, I
consider it a great gift.
In ‘Among the Islands’ you went in
search of new mammals to document. How many species do you think is
still out there we haven’t managed to find yet? Also there are a lot of
people who think that we have basically found all there is to find –
what do you say to that?
We've barely begun to explore the remote
regions of our world. We've been to the Moon more often than to the
depths of the sea. In elanesia alone, I think that dozens of mammals
remain to be discovered. I know where at least half a dozen are - just
awaiting an adventurous biologist.
If you could have a cuppa with anyone from history, who would it be and why?
The first person to see a Diprotodon. I'd love to ask them about what Australia looked like when people first arrived.
In the ‘Future Eaters’ we find out how the Aborigines, Maoris and other
native peoples changed the world, then how the Europeans changed it
again. How do you think we will change it for future generations?
That is THE great question. And we answer it with our actions every day. Do we conserve and enrich, or destroy?
Do you think there are new unknown Dinosaur bones to be found in Australia?
There are many.
How unique is Australia’s flora and fauna to the rest of the world? How
did we get such strange and deadly creatures to evolve only here?
our snakes, for example. Why are they so venomous? Our spoils are poor,
so prey is thin on the ground. When you encounter some, you can't risk
it getting away.
What is next for Tim Flannery? What new adventures will you embark on?
I'm not sure. There's a lot of work to be done, so adventures might have to wait a while yet.
If you would like to find out more on any of Tim Flannery's books then head over to his website here.
As a field biologist Tim has discovered and named more than thirty new
species of mammals (including two tree-kangaroos) and at 34 he was
awarded the Edgeworth David Medal for outstanding research in zoology.
His pioneering work in New Guinea prompted David Attenborough to put him
in the league of the world’s great explorers, and Redmond O’Hanlon to
remark, “He’s discovered more new species than Charles Darwin.”
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