What do you look forward to in a convention?
With AussieCon 4 nearly upon us, it’s exhilarating to think about the 68th World Science Fiction Convention to be held 2-6 September 2010 at the Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre. It’s a whopping big event. Of all the things I’m looking forward to, the number one thrill is connection. There are so many people going and they are all just as into SF/F as I am! That’s a rare treat.
Meeting people with like-minded interests is nurturing to the soul. My mobile phone is clogged with new contacts—people I’ve know on Face Book or Twitter, or readers that come to my site—all wanting to catch up. I think every meal, coffee and snack is going to be shared with a long lost friend, met face-to-face for the first time. This is particularly exciting for me as a writer. After all, for most of the year, I work alone.
I’ve write seven days a week, three-hundred and sixty five days a year since 2005. No exceptions, unless a writers’ festival or con has me in their programme. The focus is worth it, but still it’s a great deal of alone time. When an event like AussieCon comes to our backyard, I’m thrust out into the world, talking to hundreds of people, signing books and meeting readers. It’s a wonderful contrast—the reward for all those hundreds of hours at the keyboard with the phone off the hook.
Cons dates get big red circles on my calendar well in advance. They are social gatherings and the people really make it worthwhile. I also look forward to practical networking with agents, publishers, booksellers and editors, not to mention soaking up the non-stop multi-streamed panels, chats, workshops and signings. Have you seen the program for AussiCon this year? There will be academic speakers, international bestselling authors, and well known industry people talking on a fantastic range of topics. I’ve got my schedule now and it’s going to keep me busy. I’m even on panels with some of my favourite authors. The talks will be stimulating and inspiring. I’m not sure how I’ll choose which to attend (there can be a dozen things going on at once!)
What more can I say? Conventions are educational, inspirational and downright vitalising. A chance to connect with people that really ‘get’ the speculative fiction scene. If you spot me in the crowd, don’t be shy. Come up and say you’re an A&R Edwardstown reader and I’ll be especially pleased. You can also catch me at a signing on Sat Sept 4th 1500 Rm 201 and an informal Kaffeeklatsche on Sun Sept 5th 1200 Rm 201. Hope to see you there!
Kim Falconer lives in Byron Bay with two gorgeous black cats. As well as her author website‚ she runs an astrology forum and alternative science site‚ trains with a sword and is completing a Masters Degree. Her novel writing is done early every morning. Currently she’s working on additional volumes in the Quantum Enchantment Series.
Your adoring fans are SO proud of you, Kim!! A light in a beautiful bulb!!!! (Joseph Campbell paraphrased!)
ReplyDeleteOh cheers, Cate! I'm honoured to be referred to with a Joseph Campbell paraphrase. You KNOW he's my hero!
ReplyDeleteIt's all about networking. I'd never heard of your books until this post but I am now interested. I hope I can find some way to buy your books.
@Tania, we stock all Kims books :) If you wanted you could give us a call on (08)8277-8857 and we could post them out to you. Or you could go to your local bookstore and get them to order them in for you if they don't have them :)
ReplyDeleteHi Tania,
ReplyDeleteIt is all about networking! So true. My books only started coming out in 2009 so it's understandable I'm not exactly a household word yet :) Thanks A&R_E for stepping up! You guys really look after your customers!
Thanks Kim >.< We try to do our best :D