Another great author the lovely Kate Forsyth has kindly answered some interview questions. Hope you enjoy reading these as much as we did!

I've wanted to be a writer for as long as I can remember. I think I was born knowing that's what I wanted to do! Books and reading and writing have always been my most favourite things, and so I feel very blessed that I can spend my life doing what I love most.
Castle Plaza Bookstore: What excites you about writing?
Everything! I love the early stages of daydreaming and thinking about the book and planning it, and then I love the actual writing process. And its wonderful to finally hold the book in your hand and know that you created it out of your own imagination.
Castle Plaza Bookstore: What did you do before you became a published author?
I worked as a model, a journalist and in fashion public relations - but I was writing all the time!
Castle Plaza Bookstore: Are the names of your characters are important? And what do they mean?
Yes, the names of all my characters are very important ... and also the titles of the books, the place names, the house names ... I spent a lot of time thinking about names and trying to discover the right ones. whenever I meet anyone with an interesting name I write it down - I keep a list in the back of my ideas book. And what do they mean? All different things! I like to walk for an hour every day, and when I'm not writing I like to work in my garden or cook my family delicious feasts ... all these things are very grounding.
Castle Plaza Bookstore:Who would you most like to be trapped somewhere with?
my husband :)

Castle Plaza Bookstore:How long will it take to set up a book?
It depends on the book. Some books need to gestate for a very long time, others seem to grow very quickly. Usually it takes me a year of solid work to produce a book.
Castle Plaza Bookstore:If you could invite 3 famous people (living, dead, fictional) to a dinner party who would they be and why?
Only 3? That's a hard choice. Off the top of my head, I'll say Tracey Chevalier, Susan Vreeland, and Ken Follett because I love their books so much and we'd all have such an interesting conversation.

I'm currently working on a historical novel for adults that retells the secret history of Rapunzel ....
thanks so much!
Kate Forsyth is the author of almost twenty books for both adults & children, including her best selling fantasy series Rhiannon's Ride & The Witches of Eileanan.
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