World Con (AussieCon 4)
Day 2: Friday 3/09/10
A pretty full on day this one was. It started uneventfully until I burned my arm with scalding hot water. That was fun times, and then I got to the convention centre a little late due to said arm.
I rushed to sign up for a Kaffeeklatsche with Jean Johnson. (For those that don’t know what a Kaffeeklatsche is, it is a small group discussion with authors and you have coffee.)
Then I rushed up stairs, yes I took the stairs because I am afraid of heights hence escalators freak me out, and that nearly killed me.
There were MANY MANY stairs, huffing and out of breath I rushed to the signing Mary Victoria was doing at that moment. If you have not read Mary’s book THEN DO SO NOW! It is fantastic, it is called ‘Tymon’s Flight’ and is set in a massive World Tree the size of the Himalayas.
I spent the rest of the hour talking to this great lady, whose airline had left her luggage in Wellington. For the next hour I got into line for the Juliet Marillier signing, then rushed off to my Kaffeeklatsche with Jean Johnson.

Jean Johnson writes paranormal/urban romance. Her series is called ‘Sons of Destiny’ and the first one is ‘The Sword’

Kim was sick with the dreaded flu, and had to leave the panel and the Con early. I hope she is feeling much better now!!

Then it was time to go.
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